Judi DeVore

Secretary Treasurer

I joined the Mesa Conservation district for a couple of reasons. The Grand Valley is a very unique ecosystem and is receiving a fair amount of pressure converting agricultural lands to residential. There are concerns about how we approach growth to preserve the unique agricultural ecosystem and merge inevitable population growth into what makes our valley special. Water availability, soil erosion, and air quality are all concerns requiring proactive approaches to sustain the things I love about living here. I wanted to be involved in these discussions. Living in the desert creates a unique opportunity to look at growing things in a whole new way. Although I have agricultural roots, the limitations on rainfall and living where I don’t have irrigation water has made me more conscious of how to make the soil more resilient to periods when there is no moisture and high heat. Continuing to learn the best ways to be smart about landscape to help others with education and promotion of practices to conserve our precious resources was a driving force in me joining Mesa CD.

970-210-3418 jdevore2000@icloud.com